Co-owners of The Proposal Guru, Carly & Aaron Hall
“If we don't do it now, then we won't do it at all.”
Where are you at with your business? Are you in a growth spurt where you’re flying along feeling busy but inspired? Are you suffering a vulnerability hangover after putting something out into the world? Are you doubting your every decision and simultaneously suffering from decision fatigue?
We all get those feels, that’s why this podcast is about embracing the journey for all its rollercoaster of emotions and today’s episode with Carly and Aaron, the lovers behind The Proposal Guru, is no exception.
In this chat we get real about the experience of building and scaling your business, how bloody scary it can be at times and so much more.
We cover what it’s like to go in full time on a side-hustle, jumping out, and going back in again – with two children and no sales leads no less.
How to protect yourself from getting spooked off of growing your business (hint comparison is a killer).
And the new challenge that comes when you finally get to that stage of building your business when the opportunities come to you.
If you’re on the business building journey, this chat is for you.
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