SuperFeast CEO, Mason Taylor

“The bee doesn't know what its purpose is… it’s just staying in motion and following the nectar.”

Through this chat you can't help but think, if only every CEO thought like this! And even if you’re not yet at that point, or even managing a team, there is so much to learn from Mason Taylor, CEO of SuperFeast, about the approach to your role and your business, for today you and the future you.

SuperFeast is Australia's leading supplier of Daoist tonic herbs and mushrooms – helping thousands of people around the world return to harmony with Medicinal Mushrooms and Tonic Herbs to elevate mind, body and spirit.

In this chat Mason reflects on the experience of putting your whole self into a business, the pleasures and dangers of that, how Stockholm Syndrome and attaching your identity to your business can have you holding on tightly to the systems and processes in your mind, and the challenge of going through a soul retrieval from the business you created.

He’s a herb nerd, but far more than that, and his commitment to self-growth, reflection, and longevity of self is palpable – you’re guaranteed to take something pretty special away from this chat.

Check out the Superfeast website, insta and listen to the popular SuperFeast podcast to learn more about Mason’s work in the world (oh, and buy the Mason’s Mushrooms, they’re epic).

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SuperFeast Unemployed & Afraid

Your host, Kim Kerton


Founder of DIPD Nails, Nadia Stamp